
The magical crock pot


Most people don't feel like cooking dinner after a long day at work. Theres no reason why you can't come home to a nice hot ready meal.

I used to think crock pots were just something my grandma used to make pot roast. While they do make a wonderful pot roast, I had no idea there was an endless supply of possibilities until I bought my own!!!

Crock-pot created these magical slow cookers in the early 70s. They are electric counter top cookers that are safe and cook slowly enough that you can set it and leave it unattended all day. They don't require you to babysit or constantly stir your food throughout the cooking process. Suddenly households with two working parents had an answer to their mealtime problems.

When selecting a slow cooker there are a few things to keep in mind. Crock-pot is the original brand but there are some inexpensive imitations that work the same way. Personally I just prefer giving credit to the original inventors. After you pick your brand, the next thing to consider is size. When using a slow cooker you have to at least fill it half way so think about the number of people you are feeding. Generally it's about 1 to 1 1/2 quarts per person. However if you enjoy leftovers or making something in large quantities and freezing it for future use then go big. Final choices include color, digital settings, a lockable lid, etc.

I have chosen a basic 7-quart Crock-Pot slow cooker. Yes, it is just me and my dear sweet husband, but we do occasionally have guests and I love making and freezing different things for future use (spaghetti sauce especially.) I also happen to have two small 2-quart off brand slow cookers that I use for appetizers and sauces.

Crock pots are a simple way to get easy, no hassle, healthy, and inexpensive meals on the table without barely lifting a finger!

Look for many slow cooker recipes to come!

In the meantime, look into getting one for yourself!


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